Thursday, September 9, 2010

HOBY Spotlight - Lisa Adachi

Lisa Adachi

School: Bountiful High School (Bountiful, UT)
Alumni Year: 2009
Graduation Year: 2011

How did you find out about HOBY?
To be completely honest I saw a picture on Facebook of my friend who attended the conference. There was no caption with the photo nor any other pictures. I asked her about it and she told me it was something bizarre called "HOBY". I did some research, didn't find much, then went to my school counselor and inquired about it. She sent me to another counselor who did some more research for me and got me the application. I was the first person from my school who had attended in several years.

Lisa's HOBY Experience
At the time, I didn't think that HOBY would do that much for me. I have had the opportunity to attend several incredible leadership conferences all around the country and was not expecting that much from a 3 day, local seminar for sophomores. However, it turned out that I would credit HOBY heavily for the person I am today and the successes I've had. Because of HOBY, I met inspirational and driven leaders who would help me to figure out more clearly what I wanted to do in my life. While in Aspen Grove, I gained for myself a personal motto that "Service is not just an act or a series of acts, but a way of life". That in and of itself was a life altering result of the seminar.
The most significant thing that HOBY has done for me most recently is the 4 year, full scholarship I received to Southern Utah University. A counselor I met told me about his experience at the Governor's Honors Academy at SUU and encouraged me to apply. For almost a year I looked forward to applying and attending the 10 day conference in Cedar City. Besides gaining a lifelong love for learning and meeting 52 of the top students in the state, GHA was a very significant part of my college search. After several years of stressing and searching for the right place for me to go, I was very grateful for the experience I had at the Academy which helped significantly narrow down my search for the best place for me; I credit this directly to HOBY.

What have you been up to since?
After HOBY, I finished off my sophomore year and started my junior year at Bountiful High. I took rigorous courses and was involved in every club and organization. I started and presided over an Operation Smile club, was a yearbook editor, on the City Youth Council and served in the Debate presidency, among other things. In January of my Jr. year I was accepted to the Bi-annual Operation Smile Mission Training Workshop in Portsmouth, Virginia with 38 students around the country. There, I was given a mission assignment to Amman, Jordan. Only 4 1/2 weeks after the training, I found myself in the Middle East as a student volunteer and educator. I continue my work with this cause today because I am so passionate about it. Most recently I was accepted on to the OS Executive Leadership Council (ELC) with 14 other students from the country who will be fundamental in running and expanding Student  Programs for the upcoming  year. My main purpose on the council is to raise student awareness and club growth in Utah as I serve as a regional representative for the state. Next summer, I will be an ELC counselor at the International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC) in Beijing, China.
I just started my senior year of high school and still surround myself with leadership and service opportunities. I find great joy in serving others at home, in school, and in my church callings. I plan to possibly attend Southern Utah University next fall upon graduation and then the University of Southern California for graduate school. I hope to major in broadcast communications or journalism.
 Because of HOBY, I started to track my service hours and was able to complete over 516.8 hours in a about 18 months. Clearly, sophomore year was the perfect time for me to learn and recognize that I am happiest when I have an outlet to serve, a clear goal and purpose, and a greater appreciation for teamwork and unity. (Not to mention I still keep in touch with many of my good HOBY friends from '09!! They inspire me so much!)

What was your favorite part about HOBY or has stuck with you the most? 
Besides the obvious scholarship, leadership and service lessons that I learned through HOBY, I think the most amazing thing that I have taken away the last year and a half would be the incredible relationships I have made. Unfortunately I did not get the chance to meet each and every person at HOBY, the ones that I met and spent time with became some of my greatest friends, examples and mentors. I still keep in touch with many of them and we even see each other at other conferences or games at each other's schools. The connections, memories and inspiration I have gained from my HOBY friends are definitely a huge part of what made and makes the conference an 'Outstanding' experience.

What is your advice to incoming sophomores and future HOBY ambassadors?
Seek opportunities and take them. I know that every single person has the ability to make their life an outstanding one, and they are given every single chance to make it that way- but that few do because they fail to take the opportunities that they have been given. In school, I see people who are discontent with their situations because they feel like they “Aren’t”. Aren’t good enough, aren’t smart enough, aren’t social enough, aren’t popular enough, aren’t cool enough.. All these are untrue. Anyone and everyone has the same chance to join a club, take a class, try out for a team,  or do anything they please. I know a lot of my peers are intimidated and scared to take the lead and do something because they want to- but it is those who take the chances that will succeed and enjoy happiness.

Also- Find something you are passionate about and stick with it. Don't get discouraged if you don't find it right away. When it comes, you will know! Push yourself, surround yourself with people who love and support you, Keep service a vital part of your life, reach out to others, and always smile. :)
Notice the HOBY shirt?
HOBY-Brown Group
Operation Smile

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