Saturday, September 18, 2010

HOBY Spotlight - Chad Saunders

Chad Saunders

Fremont High School
HOBY 2004
Class of 2006

How did you find out about HOBY?

I was a student body officer in my junior high and I was elected to be the sophomore class president at Fremont High. My principal, Mr. Newey sent two ambassadors to HOBY 2004, Todd Spencer and myself. I hadn’t heard of HOBY before then. I was interested in leadership conferences and HOBY sounded like it would be a great experience that I wanted to have. 
What HOBY has done for you? 

To think about the number one thing that HOBY has done for me is tough. I would say that by attending HOBY, I’ve realized that I can be a leader in any situation. I have to take it upon myself to be that leader and to lead with confidence, understanding, enthusiasm and trust. 
I met some amazing people, many of which I’m still friends with and keep in touch with. These heroes have influenced my life for the better and I greatly appreciate that impact. Their encouragement, support and praise help me strive to become the person the I want to become. 
What have you been up to since? 

After HOBY 2004, I took every leadership opportunity I was offered. I applied to attend the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, PA and was selected. The FFVF asked that I pay around $300 for the trip. I wrote a letter to my principal and asked if the school would be able to contribute some of that fee. That request was granted on the condition that I would make a presentation explaining my trip and the new experiences that I had in staff meeting the month after I returned. I agreed and was ready to go. I had thought of making a video for my presentation so I took my camcorder and digital camera to document the weekend. I traveled to historic Valley Forge, where General Washington lead the colonial army in the battle for independence. I spent three days learning about history, the leaders of the revolution, and the aspects of freedom that our fore fathers emphasized. Hearing the stories of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington helped me gain a great appreciation for the cost of our freedom that we enjoy today. 

When I returned, I combined the pictures and video clips that I had taken into a multimedia special event. I set those clips to music and audio and tried my hardest to make it as professional as I could. I dressed up the morning of the staff meeting and had reviewed my powerpoint and the script that I was going to follow. I entered the room to see all of my teachers and administrators. I started with my powerpoint and then the video. Things went flawlessly and many teachers were touched by my experience. 

I served as a junior class vice president in 2004-2005. In May of my junior year, I returned to HOBY as a junior counselor. I was able to help encourage the sophomores to participate and learn as much as they could during the short weekend get-away. Everyone who’s been to HOBY knows that there are lots of panels. We had the representatives from different religions, businesses, universities, etc come and talk to us, as well as answer our questions. One of the entrepreneurship panelists caught my attention. After the general Q&A session, each panelist visited the groups tables. I waited until this individual came to my group’s table to ask my question. I asked him, “I make videos for friends and family and I was wondering: How I could get my name out to more people?” He turned to me and said, “You make movies? Tell ya what...You make me a video and I’ll pay you $500!” I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down what he wanted and when he wanted it. I made that video and he said it was just what he wanted. 

He inquired about my personal life a little more and found that I was planning on serving as an LDS missionary. Soon after I received a letter wherein he said, “Let’s earn your mission 100%!” He gave me another job, and then another, and another until over the next year and a half I had earned enough to pay for my mission. That was an enormous blessing in my life. I would not have had that acquaintance were it not for HOBY. He gave me a pen with an inscription on the cap. It read, “Make Life Better.” That is my purpose. 

I took the momentum that I had been given at HOBY 2005 and I ran with it. I was able to attend the Freedom Academy at Camp Williams in Draper, UT for a week of leadership training. I participated in the speech competition and spoke about everyday heroes. We heard speakers from many different backgrounds. Kirk Weisler, Scott Anderson, and Col. Tom Shaw. I learned a lot about example, the power of one and the potential I had inside of me to be a catalyst. I heard a quote that reads, “Become the change you seek in the world.” Little by little that statement has become more and more real.

I participated in the HOBY Scholarship Competition and I was awarded a scholarship to Weber State University. That scholarship pays the tuition for my education. I’ve realized that I wouldn’t be able to afford higher education otherwise. I’m so grateful for the HOBY organization for helping me achieve my educational goals.

I was elected Senior Class President for the 2005-2006 school year. That means I have responsibility for the rest of my life, whether I like it or not! :) I was able to continue developing my leadership skills and growth. I was able to come back to HOBY in the spring as a staff member. This was one of my favorite years. I was able to observe the entire conference and help where help was needed. I learned new things each year I attended. What a great conference!

In April 2007, I left to serve as an LDS Missionary in the Spain Madrid Mission. During my service, I was entrusted with leadership responsibilities. I learned the most while I served in the mission office as the financial secretary for nine months. I was responsible for the monthly payments of rent, missionaries monthly allotment, and paying bills. I learned how important accountability is. I learned how to prioritize the tasks at hand. I learned how to deal with a variety of people. Spanish landlords are a lot of fun! As a 20 year old young man, I could not have been able to sign and settle contracts with experienced landlords. Somehow I did. My belief that God is involved in each of our lives and that He inspires us to accomplish what we need to grew immensely. 

I returned from my mission April 21, 2009. Two weeks later, I was the Brown Group's counselor at HOBY 2009. I was impressed with the quality of young men and women who attended that conference. The Brown Group Rocks!  I realized that each year, the sophomores are better prepared to face the world. Each year they are presented with new challenges as well as opportunities that they've taken advantage of. 

I’ve been at Weber State University majoring in Spanish teaching with a minor in Psychology. I worked in Skagway, Alaska over the summer as a motor coach driver/guide for Holland America-Princess. It was a great opportunity to meet many new friends. My next adventure is to return to Spain. I applied for an internship called “Language and Cultural Ambassadors.” I was accepted and assigned to the city of Mora De Rubielos and the secondary school Gudar-Javalambre. I’ll be an assistant teacher to help with English comprehension. I'll have plenty of time to take advantage of my stay abroad and I already have a list of cities and countries that I want to visit. I am very excited about this opportunity. 

What was your favorite part about HOBY or has stuck with you the most? 

As funny as it may be, the panels taught me a lot. Each different theme showed me a new way of thinking or a new opportunity, whether it was religion, education, or entrepreneurship. HOBY taught me to search out new experiences to build character. I’ve tried to have life changing, character building experiences to become the man I want to become. Spencer W. Kimball once said, “Regardless of your present age, you are building your life; it can be cheap and shoddy or it will be valuable and beautiful; it will be full of constructive activities or it can be destructive…” I want my life to be valuable and beautiful. My HOBY experience has been and will continue being a great asset in my life.

What is your advice to incoming sophomores and future HOBY ambassadors?
Search out opportunities to get involved and meet new people. Those people have the potential to become great friends. Get to know the members of any group you are working with. It helps promote a team feeling and breaks any ice that may exist. 
HOBY 2009
HOBY 2004
FFVF 2005

HOBY 2006

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