Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Payson/Spanish Fork Area CLeW


Keynote Speaker

Group Time
On November 13, 2010, fifty-four freshman filed on BYU campus to attend the Spanishfork/Payson Area CLeW.  With “Becoming your Best Self: And Passing it on Through Leadership” as its theme, the workshop provided a positive learning atmosphere for all in attendance. “Everyone was happy. We were all friends even though we hadn’t really met each other before then,” said freshman participant Damaris Ballamis. Similar to the HOBY seminar, the time there was packed with speakers and exercises designed to get the teens thinking.  Activities for the day included a panel of successful citizens in the community; key note speaker, Matt Hinton; a service project for Africa Is Life Changing and leadership and team building activities. “I really enjoyed the games because they really helped us to know if we could work together, and they tested us,” said Ballamis.
    After three months of planning activities, scheduling speakers, and securing donors, the CLeW was a huge success. “I was beyond proud of how it turned out…everyone had responsibilities. Our CLeW was legit!” said committee member Cason Acor.  The CleW was completely run by six HOBY alumni who are juniors in Nebo School District. The “CLeW Committee” consisted of Audrey Miller, Lisie Dixon, Cason Acor, Alex Minson, Jazmin Moyano and Matt Russell. Besides the committee, 13 other volunteers were also involved. “Working on the Clew definitely paid off because I had the opportunity work with such cool people. The six kids that I worked with were super helpful and willing to work hard at everything,” said committee member Alex Minson. After a fun-filled day of learning, attendies and volunteers alike took the HOBY spirit back home,  and like all who have been through the HOBY program were ready to pass it on. 

By Audrey Miller

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